Hotel Manta of Helsinki

Havis Amanda
Havis Amanda

Helsinki landmark mermaid statue Havis Amanda offers quality hotel accommodation of her own between 15 August and 12 October. Japanese artist  Tatzu Nishi (b.1960) together with Helsinki Art Museum offers a unique opportunity to stay the night in a king size double bed with this lovely lady. The statue and the fountains around it have been transformed into a modern hotel room with a full bathroom and all amenities found in a typical hotel room.

Hotel Manta of Helsinki
Hotel Manta of Helsinki

Hotel Manta of Helsinki, located in the central Market Square, is an open exhibition space during the day time between 11.30 am and 5.30 pm (entrance fee 3€).

All nights in the hotel were sold out immediately, but you can book other quality hotels in Helsinki here.

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Tatzu Nishi and Havis Amanda (“Manta”) in the middle of the guest bed.

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About Kata (Flight Attendant)

Reilusti yli kolmekymppinen lentoemäntä. Asuu Helsingissä miehensä ja teini-ikäisen pojan kanssa. Matkustelee paljon myös vapaa-ajallaan, lomamatkat suuntautuvat usein hieman kauemmas, Euroopan ulkopuolelle. Harrastaa erilaisia liikuntalajeja ja klassista musiikkia. Rakastaa kauniita vaatteita, kenkiä, laukkuja, hienoja ruokaelämyksiä ja hyviä viinejä ja samppanjaa. --------- A flight attendant in her mid thirties living in Helsinki with her husband and son. Loves travelling faraway also on her holidays. Sports and classical music enthusiast who also adores beautiful clothes, shoes, bags, fine dining, wine and champagne.

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